Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things and Stuffs

To tell the truth, I was appalled when I first read the article about him saying comments to his motherland to a certain site. I just ignored it, however some did not.

I don't understand why people would try to dig holes from a pile of dirt.


What happened to freedom of speech?


Apparently, the person who first started the whole thingtook part in the current JaeBum hype is asking for forgiveness. Took part you asked? It's because according to this post HERE, she did not really started it all. Well, only took part of it.

And if you will go to that link right now, you'll be able to read TONS of comments.

I know I shouldn't be saying something about this because, who knows? this might be used by some other random users, post it to other sites and start spreading unecessary rumors which is bullshit.

But, I just want these all to stop. This has gone to much. The whole situation was blown out of proportion because of the comments and replies of bloggers all around the Cyberworld.

When one says something, the other replies to it and it will inevitably end up to an argument and then, ruckus. Seriously, what has come to the whole "Freedom of Speech" thing?

Has everyone gone so stupid that almost every comment in the Cyberworld has to be replied? Like, I mean, if you don't have a reply that will coincide to what the first poster has commented, then why bother leaving a comment?

If you don't like what he/she just said, then ignore! And to those posters, I myself has done saying something not really nice or like oppose to what majority has agreed, but infairness to me, I try to, at least, say the proper words to express how I really feel so why can't you say those things in a nice way?

Then again, people would just start talking crap and explaining themselves why this and why that blah blah scuttles blubbers shit. *rolls eyes*

I have always been hoping that someday people would be able to realize that the best way to settle any disagreement is the ability to listen to both sides and respect. In this case, I don't think the value of respect is shown or felt.

So, I hope this whole thing be settled and that Jaebum would realize that there are still fans out there (like me and you~) hoping and waiting for his come back. I know what he has done was so wrong but it was like, 4 years ago? And people change in that span.

What's done is done.


What I ask now is for people to clarify things first and please

Jaebum ah~ I don't know if you will be able to read this but I just want you to know that I will always support you no matter what. I will always keep my faith in you. ♥

I had my nails polished with a blazing red color.
I think my hands looks sexy yet I feel like some lewd. LOL.

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