Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Hole

Remember Bigeastation #135 Toho-Experiences?

I.. just finished watching what Yoochun recommended, the movie The Hole. I was supposed to watch it together with my cousins a day ago but my Auntie stopped us from doing so because "it's not for minors". And that means my underage cousins.

I may not yet be of legal age, but my maturity is similar to those working professionals already so yeah. hahaha. I found time to watch it today because my underage cousins were at school. I still don't have classes for the 3 week-long Semester Break we had. Classes will resume next Monday, November 9th.

Anyways, I woke up later than I expected today. I got up from bed around 10:38 am then watched TV for a while. I was really not feeling well and my head was aching because of too much sleep, I suppose. haha. I so love lazing like that. But then my stomach started grumbling so I had to prepare my brunch.

I took a quick bubble bath before eating my brunch which was instant noodles which I want to call as Ramen. XD The preparation did not last long because it was an instant noodle, hence I don't have to cook it anymore. I just poured all the contents to a bowl including the seasonings and poured a hot but not boiling water and let it cook for a while.

And then~ I started watching the movie and had my brunch! XD

I was really thinking there'll be lots of explicit scenes since my Auntie said it's not for minors.. Not that I am looking forward to it. But some scenes are not really for 13 year olds who can't even cook rice. >.>

So I know some of you might have already seen the movie.
But just lemme do my thing and start, yet another failing narration. Puahaha.

Anyways, it was a typical story of a girl falling madly in love with a guy. The story can be summed up in a single line spoken by the main lead, Liz: "Have you ever loved anyone so much you didn't care what happened to yourself?".

I guess the main lead was experiencing some real-ass asdfglkg psychological disorder. Her obsession to the guy she likes is already overboard. While I was watching, my face was twitching as I was thinking I just wasted my time. But after some debating, and when the climax was nearing I finished watching it anyways.

After watching it, I immediately went to Google to clear some things up. Because, looking back to the video clip I embedded, Yoochun said "Ana-The Hole" so assumed, what he watched was the one which was the 1957 film. But I think, as what Yoochun said during his narration (which failed too, haha) he watched the one which was released in 2001.

So, if Yoochun really watched the one which was released in 2001...

Okay, I should just keep my thoughts to myself because well... some things are better off that way. haha.

I just can't understand how people really go that far just for the one they love. And just by thinking of it, at the end of the vid clip, Yoochun mentioned, around 5:01

YC: Let's go to a song then. When I was watching the movie, I thought this song was similar to it.
 JS: The person who wrote the song..
YC: His perspective
JS: His perspective is similar?
YC/JS: It's similar
YC: Yes, well then, please listen to THSK's 9095.

This made me go... EH? Jaejoong? Noway. Maybe the boys are just making fun of their Hyung.. Oh well...just... Fanfics.. Meh~ fanfics. lol. Okay, I'm rambling.

Okay, back to the main topic. I don't have the right to judge those people who'd go that far just for someone they really love. Even if you are so desperate already, still. But, when things like these happens, people tend to forget the fact that the mind/brain is put(positioned) higher than the heart.

This reminds us that in everything we do, we should always try to take into consideration two things: our minds and our hearts.Well, maybe the lead didn't take into consideration either of the two..

Though I find it awkward, with all the not-for-underage-girls things, I mean seriously. I'm still young and stupid and maybe ignorant of stuffs, yes.

But I'm not dumb not to understand some stuffs happening in the movie.Well, yeah whatever. It was still worth the watch. Oh! And I did another googling haha~ and found out that the phrase, "the hole" is a colloquial for solitary confinement.

Hokay~ ♥

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