Saturday, December 19, 2009


I haven't really said it here, but I finally pre-ordered my Break Out single (CD+DVD vers.) few days ago with a help from an online friend/Unni who also lives here in the Philippines! Thanks Abbu unni~ ♥

The process was not so difficult, lol. As long as you have an Internet connection and knowledge on helpful and coolest DBSK fansites, you'd surely get what you have been looking for!

And today, after choreographing a Christmas Presentation *coughAuntiecough* we went to SM City Cebu (that's a shopping mall and not the filthy smart ass evil SM Ent.) to buy the ALBUM! YAY!

No, actually our main purpose in going there was to print something out at Biz Depot~ but the said shop was located at the lower ground floor of the mall, so we had to use the escalator to go down. On our way to the escalator, we passed by a few food chains that are a favorite of mine, anyways, I shouldn't be babbling about that. So, uhm yeah~ on our way to the escalator, I saw a familiar CD shop called ODYSSEY.

I remembered a few days back, Opel called to inform me that when she went to SM last Dec. 17th to avail in the Converse Discount Sale whatchamacallit promo, (btw, they were selling stuffs with a 40-60% discount! I tried resisting the urge in buying Converse just for DBSK~ But ah~ there's always a next year~ lols) and said that when she checked Odyssey, the sales girl said Mirotic Live Album is already sold out.

SERIOUSLY? IT HAS ONLY BEEN 2 DAYS SINCE THE RELEASE DATE AND YOU'RE TELLING IT'S ALREADY SOLD OUT? WOW. Of course, the fangirl in me unleashed and was all: see? DBSK is still the number one Kpop group. *insert smug face here*

But then, today I finally have it in my arms! MUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! It would have been better if I have the concert one, the one which will be released by the end of this month. But money forbids. Also, I find the release of that DVD on these moment... inappropriate? Not to mention they added the behind the scenes whatchamacallitshit of Dating On Earth. DEMMIT. *sigh

Oh well, this is the real world.

I just hope I would be able to put up with it in the long run..

What matters most is that I have my Mirotic Live Album and well, a month from now, my Break Out single! YAY! AND ZOMGSUN! I have seen spoilers and all, but I don't know why I keep on resisting the urge to just listen to the full song online. Maybe because I know that I will be receiving the HQ one, with the MV on it and that, well~ it also comes with some other precious goodies.

GAH! Now I know how it feels when someone says, "I try to unsee it" or something sort of, lol. You know, the lines, "God. I'll wait for my copy to arrive." Or to really express it further like this:

My family will probably disown me or sth the moment they knew what I have been doing with my money. Anyways, I don't think buying an album is bad. It serves as the fruit of my labor, so yeah. And I did not burden them or anything just to be able to get what I wanted for Christmas, lol.

Okay, so this would be all for now. More in the coming days~ ♥
I will post some pics! Please look forward, hahahahaha.

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Disclaimer: Onion Emoticon credit goes to google as tagged.

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