Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Embarrassing Moments #001

Over the years, I have done loads of awkward, funnily shit embarrassing moments in my life. Lucky enough, some were caught on cam. And there you go, my embarrassing moment #001:

This pic here was taken some years ago. I can not remember the exact date but when I checked it on Photobucket (where I keep my pics, lol. And don't go try stalking. It's gonna be useless I tell you) it was uploaded last 2008. So that was almost 2 years ago. I once posted about our project, the Impersonation thing.

It was supposed to be a Gods and Goddesses Impersonation thing for our Literature Class, but, I who was craving for popularity and attention (yes I still do) impersonated Medusa instead. From what I have remembered in my lines, Medusa was one of the serpent thing? She was killed by Zeus? and... hahahahahaha. I feel bad for myself for totally forgetting everything. Well, okay. I did not go to Google okay?

But the thing here was, I just wanted to reminisce some things. I realized, while looking at the pic. That I looked so funny it's laughable. Every time I scan some pics that were taken, I can't help but ask "Was I really that wild and so flamboyant that I don't really care if I look stupid already?"

Ah. Whatever. High school was the funniest thing ever.

I'm actually gonna post something about today's events however, I left my draft in my bag upstairs. Guess I'll just make a separate post for it. XD 

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