Monday, March 29, 2010


copyright from my sexy poorvie ddal, Wen. ♥

Anyways, as what the title say, YAYERS! Yayers because we don't have classes anymore! My first year in college and as a Freshman student finally ended and you know what? I somewhat feel like going back to square one, be a Freshman student and experience the whole I'm In College Already hype again.

Too bad I can no longer go back. :(

I admit, I was never really the hardworking kind of student. Yes, I do study. But in my vocabulary, study means cram. And the phrase "study real hard" translates to "shit, you're going to flunk a subject better save your ass now and study".

Yes. Truefax*.

I think I need to update myself on so many things. And they are so many I need to make a list:

1. Do my laundry. Srsly. It stinks already.
2. Save money. For my idiosyncrasies~
3. Learn all the capital cities of the world. Heck, I don't even know how many countries are there in total but my very own WORLD MAP never fails to amaze me. :)
4. Upload the pics from my archives and Post awesome blog posts.
5. Find a summer job.

The urgency of numbers 1,2 and 5 is so mega ultra unbelievable I don't know anymore.

Also, I had fun munching on my Swirly Bitz at Jollibee, a fastfood-chain similar to McDonalds. I dropped by to the said restaurant on my way home. ^^


Carlo Isidore Itao, a college friend, recommended this Thai movie entitled, The Love of Siam. So far, based on his crappy narration (not to mention the side comments and spazzy-ness), the movie is good. I honestly think I need to unwind and go on a movie marathon. I feel a little lonely these days, I don't know why and don't ask me why. I'm embedding the vid because I like it and so that I can easily watch it. I find it searching for vids at Youtube a very tedious task especially if I don't know the tags and all. Psh~ life. XD


And this one too:


And before any violent reactions. I'm was never really a Miley Cyrus fan. I did follow her in Twitter but she deleted her account, so yeah. And just because I said "I'm was never really a Miley Cyrus fan" doesn't mean I'm a hater. I do listen to her songs, yes. But only those awesome songs like, The Climb and When I Look At You. I'm just a casual listener.

So this explains why I embedded the vid. First, I don't understand the title of her song. Second, though I don't have any idea what it meant, the dancing is cool. And third, I'm a frustratedgreat dancer so yeah. ^^

And last but definitely not the least, my LSS:



*Truefax - is a word used to describe a thing, a person, a scene or any thing that's undeniably true.

credits: for the Swirly Bitz pic and YouTube for the vids. :)

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