Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm Gay, so what?

I went to a forum and stumbled upon a random and as what most people consider "a weird topic". It's all about Gay people and all.

It's funny how majority of the people say "I'm fine/okay with it as long as they don't..."

Accepting means understanding.

To me, if you really accept gay people, gays/lesbians, you would accept them not just because of who they are but also who they are not. If there's a positive side, there would always be a negative side. And you have to deal with it whether you like it or not. It's a matter of time understanding a person, how they behave, how they act towards other people and etc.

Man is the doer of deeds and he will always be accountable of what his actions.

So if a person, is a Gay and prefers to be lewd and all, well since its his preference, its his responsibility. He will suffer the excruciating social stigma from people and would feel inferior. People would not accept him. They would just scrutinize him, making him feel worst than ever.

But if he prefers to be decent and professional, it's expected people would treat him right.

Ideally, it will still depend on the person which he/she prefers.

Well, I'm just irritated with people being so discriminating and all.
I'm hoping someday, people would just accept and understand other people.
It's not even hard.

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